The Evolution of Zombies in The Walking Dead


The evolution of zombies in The Walking Dead has a bigger impact than you might think. When you think of zombies, you think that they are all the same, just roaming around trying to find the nearest thing the devour. However, as time passes and the seasons go on, the zombies begin to evolve themselves. They become more hostile and hungry towards the characters in the show which then makes the characters evolve also.

Even without reading this article, just by watching The Walking Dead you could see the evolution of not only the characters, but the zombies. The zombies in The Walking Dead have become more deformed, distorted, and mutilated as the show has gone along. As you can see from the article, the zombies in season one still looked decently human, but they would still bit your face off at a moments notice. In season two, the zombies still show signs of human like features, but they discoloration of the skin and flesh become more decayed. The clothes that the zombies were also in decent condition. The zombies of season three began to show major decomposition of skin, especially in the face, the jaws of most of the zombies begin to disappear, and the clothes that the zombies wear take a major step in evolution because they no longer intact and they are pretty much attached to the decaying muscles of “walkers.” The “walkers” of season four are the most grotesque and decayed zombies that we have seen yet, as they should be. The “walker” shown in the article has been dead for so long that it has grown into the tree and moss has begun growing on/in it. While people might think that characters are the only things that evolve in The Walking Dead, zombies also evolve from season to season.

The main point of this piece is to point out the evolution of the “walkers” in The Walking Dead. This article shows pictures of “walkers” from each season so far and gives a little description about what they look like and how they have changed from the previous season. The writer of this article uses pictures to back up his point that the evolution of the zombies in The Walking Dead are an evolution of the grotesque.


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